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The online guide to, weight loss, diet, exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Welcome to www.weight.co.uk

SunflowerThis site is designed to keep you informed about popular diets, slimming techniques, exercise and weight loss methods. This site will provide you with some of the options which are available to you with regards to weight loss and weight maintenance, allowing you to make your own informed decisions to find the most suitable, healthy weight loss or weight management formula that works for you. This site is regularly updated with new content and research.

Fitness Plan

We have included a helpful guide to help you plan your own personalised fitness plan to help you achieve your goal. This fitness plan will help you reach your objective, helping you to lose weight, gain muscle weight, get fit or tone up.


Our exercise section is aimed to equip you with ideas on exercise options and sports which you may enjoy. The section also should help you to understand how the body works when we exercise, educating you on how to get the most out of exercise.

Diet and Slimming

With regards to diet and weight we all have a good idea about what weight we should be, or rather would like to be. Processed food and fast food is a relatively recent phenomena and this has lead to the increase in the number of people who are overweight and obese.

The modern diet of processed food is often addressed by a low-fat diet, but there are now many more alternatives to this including, low carbohydrate and restricted carbohydrate diets (like the popular Atkins diet, The Schwarzbein Principle and The Zone Diet) and food combining diets like the Hay diet. This site provides you with a summary of each diet and shows you were you can learn more about each of them. However, although we provide this information, the best method of safe and permanent weight loss is to lose weight gradually through a combination of increased activity and a healthy balanced diet, trying to ensure that you initially burn more calories than you eat.

The Weight Loss Industry

The weight loss industry is now huge with weight loss products, slimming pills, weight loss clubs and drugs all available to further help in the quest for weight loss. In tandem with this the leisure industry, personal training and gym membership are growing at a phenomenal rate. This site aims to provide you with information and advice on each of these topics.

Click on the links on the left to find out about various diets, weight loss programmes and exercise options.